Monday Mantra: A Work in Progress

Monday, June 25, 2012

Everythings been so hectic lately!  You'd think that being on break from school would give me a lot more down time, but I literally have not been home besides to sleep now that I've picked up a ton of extra hours at work.  Plus I'm so used to school taking up all of my free time that I'm trying to make the most out of my social life while I can.  I know it seems like I'm not paying much attention to my blog but I promise I am!  Big changes are coming this excited!

As for my Monday Mantra, today it's about self improvement.  I'm really trying to take this summer and improve myself, not for anyone else, but for me.  Obviously it goes without saying that nobody's perfect and there's always something that you can do to improve your outlook and quality of life.  So just like I'm trying to do, be the best version of you. There's nobody else exactly like you, so why not be the best you that you can be?  Even the littlest changes can make a huge difference.  Try it out!

Photos: 1

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