May the Odds...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So I'm sure most of you by now have either read the books, watched the movie, or both.  If not, you've at least heard of The Hunger Games.

I'm normally not the type to follow these trendy book series'.  As I've said many times before, I've never been a fan of reading.  So it kinda goes without saying that I never got into either the Harry Potter or Twilight series'.  Actually with both of them, I started out reading the first books and got as far as the first couple of chapters before being both completely bored out of my mind and angered by their stupidity and lack of a realistic sense.  Not to offend anyone who admires these books, but they're just not up my alley.  Which is why it's surprising that I've fallen in love with The Hunger Games.  So far I've only read the first book in the series, but I literally could not put it down once I started it.

I saw the movie almost immediately after finishing the book.  Needless to say, it didn't live up to the book as expected {by my standards at least}, but it was still pretty good.  I'm so anxious to start reading the next two books, but I'm debating whether I should wait until the other movies come out..which is tough because that won't be for another few years.  I'm dying to know what happens next though so I'll probably start Catching Fire  really soon.  Have you read the series yet?  Which of the books was your favorite?

Photos: 1

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