Monday Mantra: Have Gratitude

Monday, April 23, 2012

Anyone hanging around the New York area last week knows that we got a blast of hot weather.  After a few weeks of miserable cold and drastic wind, it was definitely a luxury to be experiencing a preview of what's to come for Summer 2012.  It was only when I stepped into the shower that I got to thinking.

For me, being cold is literally the worst feeling I can ever experience.  I hate cold weather, I hate cold shower, I just hate being cold.  Naturally, I turn the water up in the shower to warm my skin as steam rises around me.  Anyway, on this particular day, I couldn't help finding myself hating this warm water coming down on me and instinctively turned the water to cold.  It was then that I realized, we are never satisfied.

It was so refreshing last week being able to throw on a dress and sandals, seeing everyone wear shorts and eating lunch outside.  It didn't take long though until the complaints started rising.  Almost everyone around me, myself included, was complaining about how hot it was, when only days before we were wishing for this warmth and shining sun, complaining how cold it was and how we couldn't wait for summer.  And now that we have it, what are we doing?  Complaining about it.

The weather is just a metaphor though.  All I'm saying is we need to take a minute and realize what we have.  To stop focusing on what we don't have and start realizing everything we do have. Think about it.

Happy Monday :)

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