Tuesday Travels (!!!)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I know, I know I've been slacking on my Tuesday Travels lately, but this post is about to totally make up for lost time!  This Tuesday was a little different, because I'm on Spring Break!  But of course, being home from school did not stop me from gallivanting around the city.  

Remember here when I talked about Lauren Conrad's "L.A. Candy" and the new series 'The Fame Game' coming out?  Well yesterday was the kick off of Lauren's book tour, and of course I had to go see her!

Me and Lindsey trekked to Union Square where we listened in on Lauren's discussion about the new book with her editor, Farrin Jacobs, and a Q&A session with the audience.  Then the best part, Lauren got to meet all her fans and sign copies of the new book!  Her people were really protective over her though and wouldn't let us get anywhere near with a camera.  But of course, I creeped my hardest and zoomed x15 from my seat :)  

It really is so surreal to meet celebrities.  I've met a handful, and I always get giddy every time!  I've been watching LC on Laguna Beach and The Hills for the longest time, and getting to meet her was so fun.  If you see how beautiful she is on TV, trust me when I say she's absolutely adorable in person!

Finally it was my turn to meet her and get my book signed.  I even got to have a quick little chat with Miss Lauren herself!  I snapped a picture of her looking JUST like Miley Cyrus, and she was just as awkward in her response to me as I was when i told her!  Good to know that celebs are real people just like us :)

1 comment:

  1. ugh obsessed with her. ps i watched a video of her during the glamour shoot and she talks about how to achieve the sexy girl next door look that she constantly has and when she was talking i was like wait, why are you so awkward. i don't recall her being this awkward on laguna or the hills.


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