Neon vs Pastel

Sunday, April 8, 2012

This season it's all about color in the fashion world.  There's been an overload of hot pinks, corals, mint greens, and lavenders everywhere you look.  Which trend will prevail overall though..neon or pastel?  As for me, I don't have a particular preference.  It's fun to be on trend, but it's even more fun to mix them, so I've been dabbling between both color palettes. On my nails I really love to see a pretty pastel like peach or mint green, {try A Crewed Interest & Mint Candy Apple, both by Essie} but I even wore neon yellow black-light warpaint.  {Sick!}  While shopping though, there's been a lot of brights that have caught my eye, and I can't say that I've held back on buying neon colored clothes and accessories.

I'm curious what you see yourself wearing this Spring, more neon or more pastels?  Leave a comment and let me know!

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