
Saturday, March 24, 2012

I've been thinking about tattoos lately.  I always said I would never get one, only because I never thought I liked anything so much that I would need it permanently inked onto my body.  I always think about how it's going to look when we're so much older, and how they're really only ideal when you're young.  But white ink tattoos are something I've been seeing and I think I'm falling in love.  Seems perfect for me because it's subtle enough to barely notice.  Sometimes though, they come out looking like scars.  I can't decide if I love it or hate it.  I also wonder what happens in the winter when your skin isn't tan..will you be able to see it at all?  For now, I will leave my body alone.  But maybe one day..

1 comment:

  1. they DO look like scars!! they're cool but it's gonna be so weird when you're older


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