Paper Challenge

Friday, March 9, 2012

In the digital age we live in now, there's hardly any room for the art of handwriting.  It's been starting to bother me that everything we do relies so heavily on technology like our iPads, laptops and cell phones.  But it wasn't until yesterday when I wrote a small paragraph during class and my hand was literally in pain, that I decided I would actually do something about this.

I don't want to be the person that can't go a day without cradling my phone in my hands at every moment.  It was actually really refreshing when I mistakenly left mine on my bed when I left for work this Wednesday.  I didn't miss it at all.  I guess where I'm going with this, is just to say that I'm going to take to writing more.  I know this is completely contradictory, as I'm typing my thoughts into the computer, but I want to take time away from technology and just write, draw, and create using my hands.  So I'll be taking time out to do that a lot more often.  I think this is something everyone can benefit from, so we don't become too wrapped up in the digital world.

So I propose a challenge.  Write down all your thoughts during the next week, just put everything on paper.  When you get a homework assignment, write it in a notebook instead of saving it in your phone as a memo.  When something funny happens, keep it in a diary instead of tweeting it.  And when you want to ask your friends what's up or what's going on, write them a note, even if it's just to say hi.

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