Monday Mantra: Make Memories

Monday, March 19, 2012

It's way too often that we get caught up in the daily responsibilities we have, that we don't have time to actually enjoy life.  We spend all of our younger years going to school so we can come out with a job, then work until we retire, and then what?  It's a cycle that leaves no room for fun.  So, I've come to the decision that from now on I'm going to do my best to have experiences.

However cliche this may sound, life really does go by too quickly.  I work so hard, but do I really want to be spending all of my money on clothes that I'll grow tired of next season?  Hm, no.  I want to go on a road trip with my friends, pigging out in the car and singing at the top of our lungs to the radio.  I want to travel the world and visit all the places I've only seen in textbooks.  I want to go to a concert to see the band I've loved since I was in 15.  I want to make memories.

Spring break is coming up.  Normally, I would fill up my schedule and work as many hours as I possibly could, to make the most out of my time.  But this time it's not about the money, it's about having a life that I can look back on with a smile, and everyone should have the same opportunity.

So today, think about what means more to you: blowing your paycheck on that outfit you
have to get, or having the most fun you can let yourself and being able to look back with a smile?

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